
Jobs Boost profiled with the release of the Presidential Youth Employment Initiative’s quarterly results

The Jobs Boost Outcomes Fund, co-ordinated by Krutham, was highlighted at a recent media briefing on the third-quarter results of the Presidential Youth Employment Initiative (PYEI). During the event, Deputy Minister Nonceba Mhlauli described Jobs Boost as an innovative funding mechanism that strengthens the effectiveness of PYEI. Attendees also heard from implementation partners and met…

President Cyril Ramaphosa acknowledges Jobs Boost Outcomes Fund in State of the Nation address

During his State of the Nation Address, President Cyril Ramaphosa acknowledged the Jobs Boost Outcomes Fund for its innovative approach to addressing youth unemployment. He noted that the fund has “pioneered a new model that links funding for in demand skills to the successful placement and employment of young people”. Jobs Boost was initiated by…

Jobs Boost quarterly report

The Jobs Boost Outcomes Fund is excited to present its first quarterly report, highlighting the programme’s advances in addressing youth unemployment through an innovative outcomes-based funding model. As this is a pilot initiative, we prioritise learning and innovation, sharing insights into outcomes models as we develop. Over the past year with our partners, we have enrolled…

Announcement: Appointment of implementation partners

The Jobs Boost Outcomes Fund, an innovative new approach to tackling youth unemployment, is pleased to announce the finalisation of implementation partners for the project. Following a rigorous selection process that began with over 100 organisations that submitted an expression of interest, 12 partners have been selected as grant recipients in terms of the R300m…

Listen: R300 million allocated to youth training that results in jobs

Krutham’s program director Riyaadh Ebrahim spoke to Noluthando Mthonti-Mlambo on Power FM about the Jobs Boost Outcomes Fund. Listen to the full clip below.

Jobs Boost Outcomes Fund launched: R300 million allocated to youth training that results in jobs

Johannesburg, South Africa – 20 November 2023 – The latest Stats SA Quarterly Labour Force Survey, showed that nearly six million young people are unemployed, representing 43.37% of young people in the labour force and one of the highest rates in the world. A new initiative has been launched to tackle this chronic problem; Jobs…


Implemented by:


Outcomes funder:

Department of Higher Education and Training South AfricaNational Skills Fund South Africa

Part of:

Presidential Youth Employment Intervention